Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do you feel like a man......

Some people are just naturally graceful and chic. It doesn't matter what they wear, its just part of who they are. You can just tell they are intelligent, strong, kind people. I love this pis. The dresses are simple yet breathtaking, and the girls have that stunningly haunted look.
What I would give to be there! I can never decide who I love more, Grace or Audrey. What do you think?

How amazing are Ginger Rogers pants! My dad caught a lift with her once, all he said about her was that she was hairy, lol.

Sabrina is my all time favorite move. Now i think tennis courts are the most romantic places on earth, lol. (I want that hat!)

The amazingly talented Chainsaw Love took this pic of me one lazy day back home when I was feeling romantic. Its a thrifted skirt worn as a dress, with an old black belt holding it up. It looked great spinning and running around, so soft and pretty. Chainsaw Love is one to look out for ; )
I hope you are all having a wonderful day and are smiling lots! Eat a cupcake and sit out in the sun with your shoes off. xoxo

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just jealous 'couse we're young and in love.....

catbird bobby pin necklace
carolina herrea


Has anyone else seen bobby pins everywhere? I love it. They're so easy and cheep and you can even get them in pretty cool colours. I got all inspired the other day after seeing the Dries pic. I think it looks pretty cool and it keeps my 'too long to be bangs but too short to blend in with the rest' fringe out of the way. Best of all they only cost $1.50. Sweet! (Sorry my pic are so shady. My camera's not working so I'm having to use my iPhone : S)
The boys are having a fight over who can be what on W.O.W and D has set up a bed next to the TV so he can play Sony in total comfort and sing along to 80's pop.... Boys.


dolce and gabbana
OK it's a little out there. But I kind of love it. Not that I could ever pull this of. But it's very, very cool. Much like smooth french jazz.....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Flower power....

Headband: made by me.

I love this massive flower headband. I made it for the spring races. All day I had people telling me I had a massive flower on my head, lol.

The story so far.....

So after spending the past few months of going "mmmmm, a blog would be cool. I want to start one" and not doing anything, I going to do it!!!! So I guess the first thing I should do is warn you all that I can't spell to save myself. So just keep that in mind : ) But other than that I'm a super nice girl and will try my hardest to make a fun blog for all you lovely people in blog world : D xoxo.

About Me

My photo
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
My name's Emma. I live in the smallest apartment ever with 3 boys (the love of my life and 2 friends).I have no T.V rights. I love fashion and what makes people wear what they do. I'm a massive geek at heart.